Trójpolifosforan sodu klasy przemysłowej do przetwarzania żywności

Industrial Grade Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP) for Enhanced Food Processing

As a leading manufacturer of industrial-grade trójpolifosforan sodu (STPP), Goway provides high-quality STPP specifically designed for non-direct food applications in food processing. Our product is tailored for meat processing plants, aquatic product processing companies, and frozen food manufacturers seeking to enhance the quality, yield, and shelf life of their products. We offer bulk supply directly from our manufacturing facility, ensuring consistent quality, competitive pricing, and reliable delivery. We do not engage in retail sales; our focus is on serving industrial clients who require large quantities of food grade sodium tripolyphosphate for their production needs.

Product Description of Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP)

Trójpolifosforan sodu (STPP), with the chemical formula Na5P3O10, is a sól sodowa polifosforanu penta-anion, który jest sprzężona baza z kwas fosforowy. It is a white, water-soluble, crystalline powder that finds extensive use in various industries. Trójpolifosforan sodu is also used in the production of detergent and other cleaning products, it is an excellent softener for water and as a water retention agent. In the przemysł spożywczy, it serves as a konserwantemulgator, and texturizer. Our industrial grade trójpolifosforan sodu is specifically formulated for auxiliary use in food processing, offering several advantages to manufacturers.

Trójpolifosforan sodu improves the water retention capacity of meat and seafood, resulting in juicier and more tender products. It helps to emulsify fats and oils, preventing separation and ensuring a uniform texture in processed meats. In frozen foodsodium tripolyphosphate stpp can reduce freezer burn and maintain product quality during freezing and thawing. These properties not only enhance the sensory appeal of food products but also contribute to increased yield and reduced processing losses. In addition, food grade sodium tripolyphosphate can be used in fruit juicedairy productsoraz soybean productsFood grade sodium tripolyphosphate is mainly used as a quality improver for meat food products such as ham, canned food, fish, and aquatic products. It can poprawić jakość of the product, increase the yield, and extend the shelf life of food. It is an essential dodatek do żywności w modern food processing technology.

Use of Sodium Tripolyphosphate in Food Processing

Trójpolifosforan sodu jest wszechstronny dodatek do żywności that offers a range of benefits in non-direct food applications. Here, we will explore its uses in meat processing, aquatic product processing, and frozen food manufacturing.

Meat Processing

In meat processing, trójpolifosforan sodu is employed to improve the water retention z produkty mięsne, which is crucial for maintaining juiciness and tenderness. By increasing the pH valuetrójpolifosforan sodu enhances the ability of meat proteins to bind water. This is particularly important for processed meats such as sausages, hams, and other restructured meat products. Additionally, trójpolifosforan sodu działa jako emulgator, helping to distribute fat evenly throughout the meat matrix, leading to a more homogenous and appealing product. As a leading dostawca z sodium tripolyphosphate food grade, we understand the critical role of this additive in ensuring the quality of food.

ZastosowanieBenefitDosage (%)
Ground MeatImproves texture, reduces cooking loss0.1-0.3
Marinated MeatEnhances marinade penetration, tenderizes0.2-0.4
SausageImproves bind, reduces fat separation0.3-0.5
HamIncreases water retention, improves sliceability0.2-0.5
Restructured MeatEnhances binding, improves texture0.3-0.5
Poultry (Injection)Increases moisture retention, reduces cook loss0.2-0.4
Poultry (Tumbling)Improves marinade absorption, tenderizes0.1-0.3
Seafood (Glazing)Reduces freezer burn, maintains hydration0.5-1.0
Seafood (Processing)Improves texture, reduces drip loss0.2-0.5
Baked Goods (Dough)Improves dough handling, increases volume0.1-0.2
Baked Goods (Fillings)Prevents weeping, stabilizes texture0.2-0.4
Dairy (Cheese)Improves meltability, prevents oiling off0.2-0.5
Dairy (Processed Cheese)Emulsifies, prevents phase separation0.5-1.0
Beverages (Protein)Stabilizes protein, prevents sedimentation0.1-0.2
Beverages (Fruit)Enhances mouthfeel, stabilizes cloud0.05-0.1
Canned FoodsPrevents gelation, stabilizes emulsions0.1-0.3

Aquatic Product Processing

For aquatic product processing companies, trójpolifosforan sodu plays a vital role in preserving the quality and extending the shelf life of seafood. When used in the processing of fish and shellfish, trójpolifosforan sodu helps to retain moisture, reduce drip loss during thawing, and prevent oxidation, which can lead to undesirable changes in color and flavor. It also improves the texture and firmness of seafood products. As a result, your products maintain their fresh appearance and taste, even after prolonged storage. The use of food grade sodium compounds like trójpolifosforan sodu is essential for maintaining the high standards required in the przemysł spożywczy.

Frozen Food Manufacturing

In the production of frozen food, such as instant noodlesbaked goodsi inne food productstrójpolifosforan sodu działa jako konserwant by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms and reducing the rate of chemical reactions that can degrade food qualitySTPP jest stosowany w żywności to stabilize the pH value and prevent the decomposition of proteins and fats. This is particularly important for products that undergo multiple freeze-thaw cycles. By using our trójpolifosforan sodu, frozen food manufacturers can ensure that their products remain safe, nutritious, and appealing to consumers throughout their intended shelf lifeChongqing Chuandong Chemical emphasizes the importance of using high-quality STPP to achieve these benefits in food production.

Technical Specifications and Environmental Impact

Nasz industrial-grade sodium tripolyphosphate meets rigorous quality standards, ensuring its suitability for various applications in food processing. The product is available as a white, granular powder, with a purity level of at least 94%. It is highly soluble in water, forming a clear, colorless solution. The pH value of a 1% solution ranges between 9.1 and 10.1, providing the necessary alkalinity for its functional properties.

“Goway’s trójpolifosforan sodu has significantly improved our product quality and yield. Their consistent supply and excellent customer service make them our preferred dostawca.” – A satisfied client in the meat processing industry.

Wpływ na środowisko

Podczas gdy trójpolifosforan sodu jest ogólnie uważany za bezpieczny do stosowania w food processing, its environmental impact is an important consideration. As a fosforan, it can contribute to eutrophication in water bodies if released in large quantities. However, when used responsibly and in compliance with good manufacturing practices, the environmental risks associated with trójpolifosforan sodu are minimal. At Goway, we are committed to sustainable manufacturing practices and encourage our customers to use our products responsibly.

Why Choose Goway as Your Sodium Tripolyphosphate Supplier?

Jako wiodący manufacturer tells, we pride ourselves on delivering quality stpp that meets the specific needs of our customers. Our sodium tripolyphosphate powder is produced using advanced manufacturing techniques, ensuring consistent quality and performance. We offer flexible packaging options and can accommodate bulk orders of any size, ensuring a reliable supply for your production and processing needs. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, offering technical support and guidance to help you optimize the use of trójpolifosforan sodu in your applications.

For more information on our products, please visit our website and explore our other offerings, such as trójpolifosforan sodu. You can also learn about STPP and its various applications. We invite you to skontaktuj się z nami today to discuss your specific requirements and discover how Goway can support your food processing operations. Additionally, our blog provides valuable insights into the use of trójpolifosforan sodu w przemysł spożywczy.

Zalety naszego produktu z perspektywy klienta

“With Goway’s industrial-grade STPP, we’ve enhanced product quality, increased yields, and extended shelf life, ensuring customer satisfaction and boosting our bottom line.” 

What is the primary role of STPP in food processing?

STPP is primarily used as a moisture retention agent and preservative in seafood and meat products. It helps improve texture, enhance water retention, and prevent spoilage.

Is STPP safe to use in food processing?

Yes, STPP is considered safe when used within the regulatory limits set by food safety authorities. It has been approved for use in various food processing applications, including seafood preservation.

How does STPP improve the texture of seafood?

STPP helps retain water in seafood, preventing dehydration during freezing and storage, which results in a fresher, more appealing product with better texture.

How much STPP should be used in food processing?

The appropriate amount depends on the type of food. Typically, STPP is used in small amounts, ranging from 1% to 3% of the food product's weight, to improve moisture retention and texture.

Can STPP be used for other types of food products beyond seafood?

Yes, STPP can be used in other processed foods such as meat, poultry, and some fruits and vegetables to help preserve moisture and improve texture.

What regulations must STPP meet to be used in food processing?

STPP must comply with food safety regulations established by bodies such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), ensuring it is safe for consumption at prescribed levels.

Dlaczego warto nas wybrać

W GOWAY INTERNATIONAL MATERIAL CO., LTD wyróżniamy się w branży trójpolifosforanu sodu (STPP) ponad 20-letnim doświadczeniem, reputacją zbudowaną na niezawodności i zaangażowaniem w dostarczanie produktów klasy przemysłowej, które spełniają najwyższe standardy. Nasza fabryka, zlokalizowana w Fuquan, Guizhou, może pochwalić się roczną zdolnością produkcyjną na poziomie 30 000 ton, co czyni nas jednym z najbardziej zaufanych dostawców na rynku.

Niezrównana wiedza specjalistyczna

Dzięki ponad dwudziestoletniemu doświadczeniu opanowaliśmy każdy aspekt Trójpolifosforan sodu proces produkcji. Nasz zespół ekspertów zapewnia, że każda partia STPP spełnia precyzyjne specyfikacje, dostarczając produkt, który zwiększa wydajność produktów, od detergentów po rozwiązania do uzdatniania wody.

Innowacyjna technologia

Jesteśmy dumni z bycia Pierwszy w pełni zautomatyzowany producent z STPP w Guizhou. Ta najnowocześniejsza technologia nie tylko zwiększa naszą wydajność produkcji, ale także gwarantuje stałą jakość i czystość naszych produktów, czyniąc nas liderem w branży.

Model sprzedaży bezpośrednio z fabryki

Działając w oparciu o model sprzedaży bezpośrednio z fabryki, możemy zaoferować wysoce konkurencyjne ceny bez uszczerbku dla jakości. Taka struktura pozwala nam zapewnić opłacalne rozwiązania jednocześnie budując silne, trwałe relacje z naszymi klientami.

Zaangażowanie w jakość

Jako Krajowe przedsiębiorstwo high-techprzestrzegamy najsurowszych środków kontroli jakości, aby zapewnić, że każda partia STPP jest na najwyższym poziomie. Nasze produkty są niezbędne w różnych branżach, w tym w detergentach, uzdatnianiu wody i produkcji chemicznej, a nasza niezachwiana koncentracja na jakości sprawia, że jesteśmy zaufanym partnerem dla firm na całym świecie.

Często zadawane pytania

Oferujemy różne metody wysyłki w zależności od lokalizacji i pilności. Obejmuje to fracht morski, fracht lotniczyoraz transport lądowy. W przypadku mniejszych zamówień możemy również zaoferować usługi dostawy ekspresowej, takie jak DHL, FedExlub UPS aby zapewnić terminowe przybycie.

Czas dostawy zależy od metody wysyłki i lokalizacji. W przypadku frachtu morskiego zwykły czas dostawy wynosi od 20 do 40 dnipodczas gdy fracht lotniczy zazwyczaj zajmuje 5 do 7 dni. Po otrzymaniu zamówienia i potwierdzeniu szczegółów wysyłki podamy dokładniejszą prognozę dostawy.

Mamy bogate doświadczenie w obsłudze przesyłki międzynarodowe. Załatwiamy wszystkie niezbędne formalności, w tym zgłoszenia celne oraz dokumentacja importu/eksportu. Oferujemy również pomoc w zakresie odprawa celna aby zapewnić sprawną i wydajną dostawę.

Tak, gdy zamówienie zostanie wysłane, otrzymasz od nas numer śledzenia i odpowiednie szczegóły śledzenia. Postęp przesyłki można monitorować bezpośrednio na stronie internetowej przewoźnika lub kontaktując się z naszym działem obsługi klienta w celu uzyskania pomocy.

W przypadku opóźnienia niezwłocznie poinformujemy o tym użytkownika i będziemy ściśle współpracować z dostawcą usług kurierskich w celu rozwiązania problemu. Zależy nam na dostarczeniu zamówienia na czas i dołożymy wszelkich starań, aby wszelkie problemy były rozwiązywane szybko i sprawnie.

W zależności od miejsca dostawy i metody wysyłki mogą zostać naliczone dodatkowe opłaty, takie jak cła, podatkilub opłaty manipulacyjne. Opłaty te są zazwyczaj obowiązkiem kupującego, ale poinformujemy Cię o wszelkich takich kosztach przed wysyłką.

What is the primary use of Sodium Tripolyphosphate in food processing?

Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) is primarily used in food processing as a preservative and water retention agent, especially in seafood and meat products. It helps maintain moisture, improve texture, and prevent spoilage, ensuring food remains fresh for a longer period.

Is STPP safe for use in food processing?

Yes, STPP is considered safe for food processing when used according to the recommended guidelines. It is approved by food safety regulatory bodies such as the FDA and EFSA, ensuring it meets the required safety standards.

How does STPP improve the texture of seafood products?

STPP improves the texture of seafood by helping retain moisture and enhancing firmness, which prevents the loss of water during freezing and storage. This results in seafood that maintains a fresh and appealing appearance.

Is STPP environmentally friendly when used in ceramics and building materials?

STPP is safe for use in ceramics and building materials when used according to guidelines. However, care must be taken to limit excessive phosphate release into the environment during manufacturing processes.

How much STPP should be used in ceramic and building material formulations?

The exact amount of STPP required depends on the specific type of ceramic or building material. Typically, it is used in small amounts to achieve the desired dispersing and bonding effects.

Does STPP affect the color of ceramics and building materials?

STPP does not affect the color of ceramics or building materials. It is primarily used for improving the processing and performance of the materials, not their appearance.

How does STPP improve the workability of ceramics?

STPP improves the workability of ceramics by dispersing raw materials evenly, which helps in achieving smoother textures and more consistent shapes during molding and shaping processes.

Can STPP be used in all types of ceramic products?

Yes, STPP can be used in a wide variety of ceramic products, including tiles, pottery, and sanitary ware. It enhances the process by ensuring uniformity and reducing the likelihood of defects.

Will STPP impact the firing process of ceramics?

No, STPP does not interfere with the firing process of ceramics. It improves the consistency of the raw materials, which can lead to more even results when firing.

Can STPP be used to improve the strength of building materials?

Yes, STPP helps in improving the strength of building materials like cement and plaster by ensuring better bonding between particles, which results in stronger and more durable materials.

Does STPP affect the texture or feel of ceramics and building materials?

STPP improves the texture of seafood by helping retain moisture and enhancing firmness, which prevents the loss of water during freezing and storage. This results in seafood that maintains a fresh and appealing appearance.STPP does not alter the texture or feel of ceramics and building materials. It primarily serves to improve the processing and bonding of materials, ensuring better performance and quality.

How does STPP improve the texture of seafood products?

STPP improves the texture of seafood by helping retain moisture and enhancing firmness, which prevents the loss of water during freezing and storage. This results in seafood that maintains a fresh and appealing appearance.

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