Statssekretær besøger Goway Fuquan for at støtte grøn udvikling og vækst i fosfatindustrien

On December 18, the State Secretary of Qian'nan Province visited Goway Fuquan to review the company’s progress toward meeting its quarterly and annual goals, as well as to guide the company’s green development efforts in the phosphate industry.

On December 18, the State Secretary of Qian’nan Province, Guizhou, visited Goway Fuquan in Fuquan City to assess the company’s efforts to meet its fourth-quarter objectives and overall annual goals. The visit also included a review of key project developments and an inspection of safety production practices. The Secretary emphasized the importance of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress and the Central Economic Work Conference, stressing the need to prioritize industrial development, fast-track major projects, and intensify efforts to ensure the successful completion of this year’s economic and social development goals.

Goway Fuquan, a leader in phosphate deep-processing, produces yellow phosphorus, phosphate products, and formic acid derivatives. The company is committed to promoting a green phosphate chemical circular economy. During the visit, the State Secretary gained a comprehensive understanding of the company’s development, production processes, and market prospects.

The Secretary encouraged Goway Fuquan to continue on the path of green development, driven by market demand and technological innovation. By advancing the deep processing of phosphate resources, the company plays a key role in expanding the phosphate chemical industry’s value chain, improving product value, and contributing to the green and low-carbon development of the entire industry.


GOWAY INTERNATIONAL MATERIAL CO., LTD er en National højteknologisk virksomhed med speciale i Natriumtripolyfosfat af industriel kvalitet (STPP). Med over 20 års ekspertise, a Topmoderne, fuldautomatisk produktionsanlæg i Guizhou, Kinaog en stærk global tilstedeværelse er GOWAY forpligtet til at levere Miljøvenlige STPP-produkter af høj kvalitet til kunder over hele verden.

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Hvad er natriumtripolyfosfat?

Natriumtripolyfosfat (STPP) er en meget udbredt natriumbaseret forbindelse, som spiller en afgørende rolle i forskellige industrier, fra rengøringsmidler og vandbehandling til fødevareforarbejdning og lægemidler.

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